"Partially Observable Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes"
by Bäauerle and Rieder
Mathematics of Operations Research (2017), Articles in advance
The great success of POMDP as a framework used in the literature is in part because people like the name – "POM-D-P". If you're taking in a young graduate student, you can send them to the literature with a few quick words – "Go check out POMDP's".
But what am I going to do with PORSMDP? "Poor-Sim-Dop"? "Po-Rism-Dip"? Even if one of those managed to roll of off the tongue, the relationship to POMDP wouldn't be obvious.
Why didn't anyone in the chain of custody of this manuscript suggest putting "Risk-Sensitive" up front, as in RSPOMDP (R-S-POM-D-P)? Or maybe at the end, as in POMDPRS ("POM-DiPpeRS")? The latter suggestion not only is memorable, but it sounds delicious.
Just some food for thought.