Sunday, August 14, 2005

Abacad, Efigy, Hiji-He-Hiji-Ho, ...

So a long time ago I was in a small improv group with some friends. We did a warm-up exercise that involved going through phrases that represented parts of the alphabet. It started out something like this...
Abacad! (for ABCD)
Efigy! (EFG)
Hiji-He-Hiji-Ho (HIJ)
Meckalecka-Hi-Mecky-Hiney-Hey (or was it Ho?) (KLMNO)
. . .

Sometimes people would just randomly yell "Abacad!" and we'd all start. No, this has nothing to do with Phil Collins and/or Genesis, and yes, we were all a bunch of geeks.

Anyway, it often gets in my head... but I don't really remember much of it. Has anyone heard of this before? Does anyone know how it's supposed to go? Most importantly, does anyone know the whole thing?

1 comment:

grrrbear said...

I don't know about the others, but "Meckalecka-Hi-Mecky-Hiney-Ho" is what Jambi used to say when he was granting a wish on Pee-Wee's Playhouse.

And honestly I don't really see how it's at all related to KLMNO...