UPDATE (07/06/2008): Krapples are now $2.29/pound (compare to Giant Eagle with $1.99/pound). Milk is $3.49/gallon (compare to Giant Eagle with $3.19/gallon).
UPDATE: Meijer also $1.49 per pound apples. I think it's safe to shorten "Kroger apple" to "Krapple." I've e-mailed Kroger, and I've requested that the Attorney General investigate.
The Kroger grocery stores around me usually have red delicious apples (i.e., #4016) for $1.69 per pound. That's not too bad. However, for a long time (at least a month) they have been selling those apples for $2.29 per pound. I'm sure that this has something to do with the damage to the apple crop from the big frost over the winter. In fact, I think that the other types of apples have gone up in price too.
However, I don't think that I've seen prices THAT high at other big stores.
In fact, I know that Sunflower Market (SM), a certified organic store where prices are expected to be higher, has been selling organic red delicious apples (i.e., #94016) for $1.29 per pound! And the rest of their apples sell for around that price too (in fact, SM has pretty decent prices for the stuff they have there; it seems to be a quality store).
So what's going on at Kroger? Why the highway robbery?
UPDATE (07/06/2008): Krapples are now $2
We were just at our local Kroger, and the Apple price was still well above $2. If your apples are $2/pound, then the Apple prices must vary per location.
Apple prices are much cheaper at Meijer. When we can't get to Meijer, we've been buying the bag of small apples. For about $3, we can get the 10 apples we need for the week, but the variance in size and quality is much higher.
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