Sunday, May 08, 2005

Musical Neighbors Have Moved In!!

Yay! Finally my AudioScrobbler profile has "Musical Neighbors" which means that I now have recommendations available.

This is only slightly exciting because:
  • AudioScrobbler often is buggy and nonresponsive and doesn't log songs or process new songs submissions, so there's a big lag.
  • The recommendations so far aren't very exciting; there's not a lot new there.
  • I can't figure out how to get the iTunes iScrobbler plug-in to act like the Winamp one. The Winamp one wouldn't report a song until you listened to 50% of it. This was nice because it wouldn't log EVERY song on a random shuffle (because I'd hit "Next" thorugh some of them).
So, because of that last point, maybe if I delete songs I really really don't ever want to listen to, then the AudioScrobbler will still be useful to me. I dunno. It's something.

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